Saturday, November 10, 2007

On my way out the door...

I'm leaving for work in a couple of minutes, but I am so excited about this that I decided to post it before I go!!! LOL!

Thank you so much, Babette! I am really excited to be a part of your team!!! It is so cool to be able to work with such a fabulous artist, and to have so many amazing ladies as my teammates! I've already done a couple of LO's but those will have to wait.

Eeek - I'm late for work!!!!


Unknown said...

congratulations to you hun - glad you made the CT :)

creative.chaos said...

Congrats are in order for you too, hun!!!!! Yay you!!!!

Boo said...

Hi Cathrine,
thanks so much for displaying our blinkie. We'd love to post your pb but we can't find an email addy. Could you contact Boo at booboo6204 at hotmail dot co dot uk

thanks hun, super blog
Boo and the Blossoms x

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