Monday, April 7, 2008

Gettin' my scrappin' groove back!

So, I've quit my job and am being a full-time mommy again! Woohoo! However, that means that I can't sit here and scrap all day 'cause I'm in charge of all the housework and food lol! Not a bad deal, IMO, but I'm going to have to figure out how to organize my time so I can get everything taken care of every day... Now that Noah is down for a nap, I'm on here playing. That is so backwards! I need to get in there and put up all my laundry from this weekend and start lunch. Ah well, I'm here now =D

I'm finally easing back into my CT jobs, and to start off with a bang, I put together a CD album for Chris Young of Heavenly Scraps with her GORGEOUS "Splash of Color" kit. Here is a preview - she is giving away a page every day at her BLOG

Have a great day!

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