Saturday, November 10, 2007

On my way out the door...

I'm leaving for work in a couple of minutes, but I am so excited about this that I decided to post it before I go!!! LOL!

Thank you so much, Babette! I am really excited to be a part of your team!!! It is so cool to be able to work with such a fabulous artist, and to have so many amazing ladies as my teammates! I've already done a couple of LO's but those will have to wait.

Eeek - I'm late for work!!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

So I've been a little busy...

Granted, I knew that I WOULD be busy when I agreed to this promotion, but SHEESH! It has been hard to adjust lol! I have started taking a new medication, and nausea is one of the side effects. Well, it seems that I'm in the group that experiences this, but I do have it on good authority that it will go away soon.

I've not been scrapping as much as I would like to, but here are a couple of LO's that I have done recently. The pictures I used for these are from Noah's birthday party, which was a lot of fun!

Credits here
Get the kit here!

Credits here
Get the kit here!

Credits here

Credits here
Get the kit here!

And here is a LO I did for Karen Lewis. I made a mini-album for the baptism of a dear friend's baby girl. I had a great time making it, and was really pleased with the way it turned out!

Credits Here
Get the kit here!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

More CT Fun!

So, I've been a little busy lol! I am on several CTs now - in addition to Busy Bee Scrapper and Chris Young/Heavenly Scraps, I am also working with Korib, Kjoi Studios, and Just For the Scrap of It. I've also been given the opportunity to put together some hybrid projects for Karen Lewis! This has been keeping me busy, and now I've gotten a promotion at work and have gone from working 2-3 days a week to working 5 days a week! Talk about timing LOL!

And to top it off, I'm trying to get Noah's birthday party together - for the 14th. At least I mailed the invitations the other day.... Now I just have to make the toppers for the treat bags, put the treat bags together, plan the party foods, find a cake, decide on decorations, oh, and clean the house. I am using Karen's Roar kit for all of the party stuff, and am going with a jungle/safari theme. I am thinking that animal crackers would be cute munchies to have on hand, and maybe some trail mix, but other than that, I am stumped. LOL!

Did I mention that I'm also making an outfit for his birthday pictures? Oh, it is going to be so very cute!!! It's pale yellow pima cotton broadcloth with Halloween themed shadow work embroidery on it. Thankfully, that should all work up very quickly, as I am waaaayyyy short on time! I am the worst procrastinator, but I tend to get it done just in the nick of time. My goal is to get it done by Tuesday so I can take it to my smocking guild meeting with me. Or at the very least, I'll have to take the embroidery with me and work on it there. I am working tomorrow at 3, and Madeline has a dentist appointment at 8:30, so I'm gonna be running my tail off!

Guess it's time for me to go to bed. No sense in being even more sleep deprived than I already am. I plan to come back really soon with pictures, 'cause this little blog is awfully plain and needs some dressing up!

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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

CT Fun

I am so excited!!! I am on not just one, but TWO creative teams! I am helping Mel, of Busy Bee Scrapper Designs, and Chris, of Heavenly Scraps

Here are a few LOs I did for Mel - click on images for credits.

Blue Bloom

Blue Bloom

Here are the kits – click on picture for more info:

Here is a LO I did with Chris' "Floralicious" (click for credits):


And the kit – click on picture for more info:


Friday, August 17, 2007

...and it begins

This is a whole new venture for me, so I suppose I should start it off right. Here we go....!

Hi, my name is Catherine. I have a wonderful husband, four beautiful children, two dogs and two cats. I do all kinds of needlework, but am totally in love with sewing, smocking, and knitting. I have been making rubber stamped cards for about 4 years now, but always hated scrapbooking. I wanted to like it, and knew it was something I should like, but just never could convince myself that it was fun. Then one day, I stumbled into the world of digital scrapbooking. Within days, I had a full fledged obsession!

My first layout took about 20 hours to complete - I had to have everything *perfect* because it was for posterity. A couple more LO's down the road, I realized that this logic was not working for me, so I started just going with what I was drawn to, and all of a sudden I was having the time of my life! So much, in fact, that I hardly sew at all now, and really don't miss it! Scary, but true. I wake up every morning with a goal to work on some sewing projects, but it always seems that I sit down to check my emails, and next thing you know, I've got PSP opened and am working on my next LO. Then before I know what happened, the day is gone, no sewing is done, but I have a couple shiny new pages to add to my albums lol!

Ah well. Maybe it's a good thing? I mean, I am really a much happier person when I'm creating, and scrapping seems to do just as good a job at making me happy as sewing ever has, and there is NONE of the frustration of ripping out stitches, or making sure the finished product fits. And the biggest plus is that I never have to worry about ironing the pages so the kids can wear them!

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